Casey Neistat has completely stunned the YouTube world over the past year and a half. He has revolutionised the way Vlogging is done and has set the pace for Vloggers to come. Over that year and a half, Casey has gained millions of subscribers and hardcore fans along the way. There is no real surprise as to why his popularity is this way.
As a casual YouTube watcher, i really didn’t give much attention to the platform. However after discovering the Casey Neistat Vlogs over 1 year ago, this changed in a instant. Never have I found something so engaging. I would wake up earlier or stay up later just to grab the next episode of the Vlog.
When you watch a Casey Neistat Vlog, you are getting a raw interaction with someone with a wealth of knowledge and life experience. Combine that with an amazing work ethic and a impossible positive attitude and you get one hell of a experince.
Casey Neistat ends the Vlogs, We will miss you!
As a 25yo it feels like this is a transitional period, where you find your place in the universe and come to grips with who you are. By watching the Casey Neistat Vlogs it felt like a beacon of light in the haze of confusion, which is being in your mid 20’s. And having something to help guide you through that period and just something overall great to watch. This feeling of connection seems to be across the board when it comes to Casey Neistat Fans.
As you watch Casey and dive into his world. You start you learn and realise that there is so much work and energy that goes into the most simplest of tasks. Also when Casey describes a situation or past event, he is self critical and is able to learn. From there he sets new challenges and goals while learning from his experiences.
This is incredibly refreshing for anyone to encounter. I believe this really is setting the benchmark for future media consumption. Gone are the days of having a pilot episode that has to be greenlit and have a lot of capital behind it. Now you can engage with a audience never seen before in history, and all you need is yourself and a camera. With that simple recipe Casey Neistat has given a rebirth to the YouTube scene.
Looking to the future
However after gaining all this success and fame from his Vlogs, Casey has finally decided to hang up the hat. He has recently noted that this was for creative and for moving onto other projects. This shows the amount of courage he has to give something truly great up, as he isn’t creatively challenged anymore. Overall the experience has been eye opening and am truly sad to see the Vlogs ending. Like many other fans out there.
In the end i just wanted to say thanks Casey, its been great.
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